الأربعاء، 20 أغسطس 2014

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Countries Not Requiring Entry Visa for Egyptians

Egyptians like to travel, however those only holding an Egyptian passport tend to pick domestic destinations, as they hate to go through the visa process that requires ridiculous documents, consumes a hell of time and above all requires planning ahead of time, it’s never like “let’s go to Europe or anywhere in the world next week”, it’s “let’s plan for our coming trip at least 3 months in advance, and pick a destination with minimal visa requirements”.
Who said that Egyptians can’t tour some amazing parts of the world hassle free? Good news, there is still a good number of 44 destinations visa free, or where visa is acquired upon arrival to Egyptian passport holders.
Most of us think that only Europe or the US are the place to be, but what the world has to offer is way beyond our imagination, this list of places will make you look at the world pretty differently and reconsider your travel plans.
Visa Free Countries

Dominica in the Caribbean (21 days)
Ecuador & Galapagos Islands in South America (90 days)

Guinea in Africa

Haiti in the Caribbean

Hong Kong in Asia (90 days)

Jordan in Asia (30 days)

Malaysia in Asia (90 Days)

Mauritius in Africa (90 Days)

Micronesia at the Pacific Ocean (30 days)

South-Korea in Asia (90 days)

Sudan in Africa

St. Vincent & the Grenadines in the Caribbean (30 days)

Yemen in Asia (90 days)

الأحد، 17 أغسطس 2014

Porto Marina - Egypt

The majority of Arab tourists who are going to Egypt .. not only choose to Cairo only .... and they think they are .. Egypt and take a picture of Egypt through Cairo .. but this is not true .. there are great Egyptian tourist cities is Cairo ..... and everyone can go there and enjoy it .. and now Schahdoa facet of Egypt, who did not see him I have chosen you ...... 3 ....... great tourist cities begin the name of God ...

- 1 -

Porto Marina: is a new area on the Mediterranean .. between Alexandria, 100 kilometers just full of restaurants and cafes .. luxury seaside hotels .. and .. with bright colors and yacht port is the largest in Africa .. and Adject 1400 yacht for rent .. you can rent it hourly and wander as it pleases in the Mediterranean Sea.

Come learn about the city more through photographs taken by myself to you during my recent visit to .. Under each picture there Comment

Here's the Porto Marina from the sea .. All buildings and all that is in them overlooking the yacht harbor

A .. cafes that are out there

Family boat ride and roam around the Porto Marina like in the Italian city of Venice

A copy of one of the restaurants there are within the sea like an island

This is the vehicle by which roam inside the Porto Marina if you want

Second City

- 2 -
Aljunhuha area near Hurghada .. located about 20 kilometers only, and can be seen from the map precisely place the following

By all accounts a great city .. and cheap prices unexpectedly
These are several pictures of them

the White Desert Reserve - Egypt

Reserve white desert, deserts and is Reserve landscapes, where they represent a model for the phenomenon of karst Kama is a museum open to the desert environment and the study of geographical phenomena and fossils and wildlife, and contain traces of prehistoric times. And the beauty of the scenery is characterized by protected dunes and geological formations of the rocks of the Cretaceous limestone and whiter than white and the content of fossils.

the necessary vaccinations before traveling

Before traveling abroad, must be met from Asafa vaccines necessary to avoid the risk of epidemics.

First, there are two criteria for vaccination: the initial compulsory vaccination, and other vaccines recommended.

- Initial vaccines include vaccines necessary to enter the territory of the State of destination. In practice, only vaccination against yellow fever is mandatory for some countries.

- And the second related to vaccines real risks incurred by the traveler during his stay depending on the health situation in the country, and the conditions and duration of stay and the traveler's personal characteristics (age, vaccination status, pregnancy, immune dysfunction ...).

Given the time required for the occurrence of an immune response, it is necessary to concern about vaccines at least two months before departure.

According to the recommendations issued by the Ministry of Health, which was approved by the Supreme Council of Public Health in France, the selection criteria are:

For all, no matter what the destination:

- Updated immunizations against diseases, tetanus, polio and diphtheria for adults.

- Updated immunizations contained in the vaccination schedule the French, but in the early against measles and hepatitis B. The vaccine against tuberculosis depending on the country:

- Yellow fever: essential for all who reside in tropical regions in Africa or South America, and even in the absence of administrative obligations.

- JE: for any extension to stay in rural areas in South and East Asia.

- Encephalitis tick: to stay in rural areas (or hiking in the woods) in the center of Europe, east and north in the spring or summer.

- Meningitis: compulsory for those who go for Hajj in Mecca, and is recommended for children over 18 months and young people who travel to endemic areas, and the people who work in the health sector or visiting endemic areas.

Depending on the circumstances and length of stay:

- Hepatitis A: Any type of accommodation in countries where sanitation is stable.

- Altefonid: any extended stay or in poor conditions in countries where sanitation is stable.

- Hepatitis (B): outside the recommended immunization schedule, accommodation and repeated or long-term in countries where the difficulty in access to quality care.

Fortifications and protective against rabies: outside the recommended immunization schedule, repeated residence, or in the case of accidental isolation in high-risk countries (especially Asia and India). Vaccination is not exempt from the treatment.

Has been abandoned for vaccination against cholera in France due to its efficiency and lower the risk of a very (for the establishment of tourism).

10 mysterious places on Earth

There are some places listed here may have heard about or knew or've seen it yourself, but its presence is still a mystery baffles scientists the world and not in line with science these days Scientists do not know the specific reason for its existence.

To you the 10 most mysterious places in the world:

1. Machu Picchu (machu picchu):

Place was built by the Incas in Peru ahead in 1450 at an altitude of 2430 meters above sea level has been taken by the Inca and the seat of government buildings by 3 months are the Temple of the Sun and the room with three windows and the binding site with the sun (Intihuatana)

2. Baalbek:

Is the place in Lebanon from 3 months temples surrounded by walls in the world these walls are built of rock, which weighs each one of them at least 1,000 tons

The Romans built and was one of the largest sanctuaries in the Empire Romania

3.dzerh Easter:

They are most famous stone formations in Chile where the South Pacific, each of which weighs more than 10 tons Scientists do not know yet what has been building such statues or reason formed this view

4. Stonehenge (Stonehenge):

Was built in England in 2500 BC and is one of the most traces of prehistoric amazing with it's moved a little bit was the simple adjustment, but it still maintains a list of the same magic that intervention on the self which is a large circle consists of large stone blocks


استحوزتالاهراماتعلىاهتمامالكثيرمنالعلماءفي a lot of times, everybody wonders what the secret of this stunning building and what are the mathematical equations which was built on this basis in order to survive in this way until we see it in the modern Asorna

6. the presence of archaeological ruins under water in Japan:

1995 Japanese swimmer discovered the existence of what looks like the remnants of Construction of man-made below the surface of the water dating back to the year 5000

  7 balls rock:

Since 1930 in Costa Rica, scientists have discovered the existence of a rocky balls of different sizes average weights of at least 18 tons

  8 _i_n Itza (Chichen Itza):

This construction done by the Mayan civilization is said that they were doing it with some rituals to get closer to the gods for rain, the same civilization, which is expected to be the end of the world in 2012

  9 Chhaonaku (Tiahuanacu):

This is your construction in Bolivia, one of the areas there for months he has been steadfast in this form 17,000 years, scientists believed that he used in construction technology are not known so far

  10 lines of Nazca (Nazca lines):

Of more areas of ambiguity in Peru, which is a huge images drawn easily, apparently by the hand of a giant Scientists do not know nor geologists have so far not been drawing these pictures, or how they were drawn, but scientists predict that these drawings were for the purpose of recording the presence of people in this place in this time format recording environment and the strange thing is that these fees can not be seen only through the use of the plane to the large size of these lines, shapes and graphics.

Hotel in space

Became Amk.cm now make reservations accommodation hanging in space, where the rooms overlooking the scene at all unusual; hemisphere side of the moon from the other side. There is this hotel in the heart of the vast space, which is adorned with huge collections of sparkling stars.

But how can you access to this space? Sikvakm only can establish a call to request a taxi space!

Tourism in space: a new outing for billionaires
Talk about tourism in space is increasing day after the other, and there are people willing to pay millions of dollars to participate in one of these amazing adventures destined to outer space to Earth.

And it seems that the company "Virgin Atalantek Aaroois Virgin Atlantic Airways", owned by billionaire "Richard Branson", is currently preparing the first attempts to fly tourists to the space this year, and by a sister company bearing the name "Virgin Galactic Virgin Galactic".

In spite of it, and away from these flights to space, will come a time when it wants tourists to extend their stay in this vast space, and will want to spend time in the heavens ... and spend some nights there, why not?

Accordingly, one of the companies launched a project to build a hotel in space. It is worth mentioning is responsible for building the International Space Station is a Russian company, which intends to build the first hotel in space even make a profit from this new adoration that began sneaking into the hearts of the richest men in the world.

This company bearing the name "Aanerjeea Energia", which is currently looking for investors believing - like her - the need to build a space station, especially as a basis for the concept of tourism in space. It is believed one of the engineers assistants in this project, Mr. "Alexander Darychen", that the energy of this hotel for around 7 to host people.

It will be equipped with equipment to allow scientists to carry out scientific research, as it will be equipped with inside space to entertain.

It seems that this idea had been received well by many, so it is currently working to build a number of commercial space ships in the world. According to Reuters news agency, the company "Aanerjeea" entered into a partnership with the company "Orbital Technologies Orbital Technologies" even witnessing this project the light.

There are currently investors participating in this project with contributions of up to one billion dollars. He said, "Darychen", saying: "I do not think we'll be able to finish the project before the onset of the year 2015, but would not we need more time than that. Competition on its way to increasing and we need to accelerate

ow can you enjoy your trip without feeling a headache?

Among planning a vacation fun among family or friends, you may feel a headache as a result of shopping or cooking and decking, and perhaps hiking and spend time out

According to the National Headache Foundation, there are 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches, and the Foundation provides these tips to avoid stress-related headaches leave painful:

1 Avoid shopping until the last minute:

Vaelloukov for a long time in the heat or the crowds for shopping during the holiday, can cause tension headaches.

2 to stay within your budget:

There may be a tempting desire to buy expensive gift to a loved one, but you have to resist the urge to buy gifts that are out of your price range.

What you can buy is compatible with your budget, where the debt may make you a headache now, with start paying the bills.

3 not skip meals:

With the multiplicity of activities carried out by during the holiday, you may skip Chraein in some diets, skip meals cause you headaches, so it is necessary to keep food Bmadtk.

Try to be there and snacks for the times that you are unable to eat regular meals out, while avoiding processed meats and chocolate, which can bring you a headache.

4 Avoid rooms filled Baladkhna and perfumes:

Since this is one of the causes of headaches, as well as joint actions in social gatherings alike, and the best thing you can do is to stay in well-ventilated areas with access to fresh air when possible.

5 Avoid alcohol:

Because it is one of the causes of headaches as well, and you can replace other Kalsoda drinks and water, and you'll avoid red wine, which contains tyramine, an amino acid known to cause headaches in.

6 Be ready before traveling during the holiday:

If you drive Stsavrin way it should be planned in advance, but if the air travel should pray to the airport before the date at least two hours, as well as Connie are liable and prepared to wait in long queues.

7 the date the commitment dedicated to sleep and stick with it:

Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, where that change your sleep routine can cause you a headache.

8 allocation of time to stay on your own:

Although the holiday is the time of assembly and sit with the family, Vallqaouat collective too much can cause stress and tension, and then you should set aside time for rest and Alastrjae and sit alone.

Many individuals suffer from headaches from time to time, but you may feel it very much a private holiday times, and if you feel that you are infected with a recurring headache or severe, you should go to the doctor

few Tips to protect yourself while traveling

The most important 3 basic things you should care them when you travel to another country: your documents and supporting your personal safety and your money. The phenomenon of a pickpocket or Alsergh- phenomena Alkadima- still prevalent in large part to this day. It is also difficult to detect or sense of them; since rely on sleight of hand as well as high speed. But the thief does not choose his victims at random, but that has certain requirements must be met by the person who intends to steal. And vary these conditions or traits among a group appearances and actions carried out by the victim, namely:
Than it seems it protects something precious or important than property, such as money or jewelry or ATM cards and others.

· Elderly people because they are weaker ability to resist and less attentive.

· A person who holds a map in his hands when you walk around in the city.

· It appears that it is lost or unsure of his destination.

· Stand in the place where thefts abound, as a way station buses or trains.

· A person who holds a portfolio full of the phenomenon and to others.

· Bags that do not fully closes, does not have the means of safety.

The following tips are useful for anti-theft, and to protect yourself and your valuables when traveling:

· Your passport is the most important possessions when you travel, be sure it in a special place and safe, and keep an additional him.

· Do not listen to those who try to sell you precious things in the street.

· Use an ATM located in the major places, and be careful during the process of withdrawal or deposit.

· The victim of the theft, the thief not only facing the front of a group of people, so they can help you.

· Put your money in multiple places, and not in one place.

· May increase the likelihood of exposure to theft if you are wearing a heavy coat, for easy access to the hand of a thief from your bag without feeling so.

· Do not put your valuables valuables in back pockets or backpacks.

· Put a password on your devices, portable, carry out tracking programs remotely.

· Very secret places to stash money allocated for emergencies, if you sewed a secret pocket inside your clothes.

· Get another copy of the ATM card, store it between your luggage.

· Be sure to buy clothes that have pockets of hidden or internal, so you can save your documents and your money where the task.

· Be sure to remember the card number to make calls mediated public phones, especially if your mobile phone crashes or is lost or stolen.

· Keep a portfolio containing a fake credit cards expired and some papers, to look like a real fool the thief out.

· Learn the words: "thief" and "help" the language of the country you are traveling to.

by fahd el gany

10 safest countries in the world

10 safest countries in the world there are many countries on the Earth's surface, some sophisticated and others are not, including the famous safe his life, including the vice, but you wondered in a few days for the nations safest and safety and stability in the world
? Have you ever thought as to where you could go if there strikes in the world? As an answer to these questions to you a list of more countries peaceful and secure and stable.

New Zealand 1

  New Zealand leads the ranking for several reasons, most important is that New Zealand is the most advanced state of isolation in the world, there is no limit to New Zealand with any other country as it is located at a distance relatively far from any other country. The second reason is the absence of any other enemy of New Zealand. The third reason is that it is safe and democratic state and contains many scenic havens. The most prominent reason is that the New Zealand occupies the first rank in the Global Peace Index.

  2 Bhutan

  This state is one of the most isolated countries and stability in the world is located in a special place and isolated among the mountains of the Himalayas. Bhutan is famous for its state and its government and people of faith need to find a solution to all conflicts. Months and what distinguishes this state is that they are protected because of their nature and geographical terrain.

Iceland 3

  Iceland is famous for its state after there are no limits with any other country. It is also considered one of the most stable countries in the world and is classified among the best in the Peace Index. Iceland is not any enemy states as they contain many natural places that represent good haven.

  4 Tuvalua

  Tuvalua is a state made ​​up of several small islands isolated amid Micronesia. This is the state of security among the most in the world as it is the fourth smallest country in the world and the third-lowest in the country population.

  5 Finland

  Not hidden on a long history of Finland with peace and the desire to stay away from global conflicts. Finland is characterized by being a neutral country and it ranks among the top ten centers in the Global Peace Index.

  6 Seychelles

The most important characteristic of this new state on many of the isolated location is in the middle of the Indian Ocean, making it immune to any of the other states. They also state that is only a small island in the middle of the ocean is one of the best places to relax.

  Canada 7

  Although Canada occupies second place in the largest countries in the world, however, has its limits with a single State is only the United States and is considered one of the quiet border. It is also characterized as a peaceful state and far from the conflict and have no enemy states in the world.

  8 Papua - New Guinea

  This state is characterized as newly discovered remains an ongoing journey to find where it has been recently revealed some of the mountainous regions that contain a lot of the most isolated places in the world they are immune from any global conflicts.

  9 Costa Rica

  Costa Rica is characterized as one of the most neutral country in the world as it is democratic. And of the main reasons for choosing among the most secure is that it occupies a very good position in the ranking of the Global Peace Index and the Happy Planet.

  10 Switzerland

Switzerland is also famous for its long history of neutrality of international and in spite of the neighboring borders of many countries that have participated in previous wars, but the isolated nature of its policy and make it a safe place and away from international conflicts

by amer mohamed

Dubai International Airport

Dubai International Airport (IATA: DXB, ICAO: OMDB) is an international airport located in the city of Dubai's second-largest city in the United Arab Emirates, which is the center of operations, Emirates, away from the center of Dubai, about 2 kilometers, and within a few years turning Dubai International Airport than just airstrip on the banks of the Arabian Gulf, to the most important center Joey in the Middle East and one of the top ten airports in the world and the fastest growing, which attracts are currently more than 115 airlines, covering more than 135 destinations around the world, with a capacity of airport capacity is about 60 million passengers annually
The history of civil aviation in Dubai in 1937, when it was the establishment of an air base for the Royal Air planes to fly, and the airline began flights once a week to the East to Karachi and West to Southampton in Britain. On their way to the West, which included a trip a night stop in Alexandria, Egypt. In 1959, the governor of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum start work designing a civilian airport and the construction and equipping, and included the first phase of the project to build a compacted sand runway with the possibility of going around at each end, has also been building an airstrip for the exercises and the corridor of land for the aircraft, and in the meantime has been building Fire station building and passenger, and a public airport scheme allowed for future expansion.
It was the opening of the airport officially in December 30, 1960 and the opening of the airport at seven in the morning until one in the afternoon local time, in addition to the reception organized travel in these times, and was later to extend the duration of daily to open the airport is open from seven o'clock in the morning and until seven o'clock this evening, according to local Time; then reached 18 hours a day, and after a few years, work at the airport around the clock, and in the December 23, 1980 at Dubai International Airport has become a regular member of the Federation of international Civil Airports.
At the end of October 1980 was built 4 galleries for nine passengers each 400 passengers / hour, and the latest security devices and equipment, luggage X-rays or metal detectors, as well as new medical center on the ground floor with direct access to ambulances. It also ensures the development project in addition to the positions of four Boeing 747 aircraft, including refueling system hoses and additional Anowara dense, and a new corridor length of 1.5 km and expanded.
The added space also dedicated to maintaining and building to house the Mechanics and porters and cleaners and guards as well as the cooling unit and a new cooling system in the main building of the station Aviation. In 1980, work was completed on the building for the implementation of the food supply, which can secure the 12,000 meal of the day, the parking has been expanded to nine 350 car, finished work on all development projects and became UUC airport ready for service in March 1984.
Launched the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority in 1997 expansion program Huge been accomplished opening of Sheikh Rashid Terminal in 2000 and then began the second phase of expansion during 2002, and this phase includes adding a third building and built key for travelers (Kounkorsen) new and thus bring more prestige to the airport , was completed this stage, the opening of building No. 3 private trips Emirates in October 2008.

Village called Tunisia

Annexation of rural ancient Egyptian villages still enjoy the beauty of nature and if exploited could be a source of rural tourism and better models village "Tunisia" of the center of Joseph Fayoum where dispatched the European Union last month for a special committee to study the monuments aesthetic out in preparation for the implementation of the giant project under the title "Switzerland of the East in Egypt." What is the story of this village and why it turned out to be the largest gathering of artists, writers and painters of different nationalities and why they call it the land of revelation?! Detail in the following lines ..
Located Tunisia green as they are called population on a hill rocky high and then take in the regression quietly wondrous until you reach the beach of Lake Qarun not separated from the water-only areas of greenery and trees for this is one of the most beautiful rural areas in Egypt and once they enter the village surprised by the large number of banners written in English and all the banner refers to the villa belonging to a Swiss citizen or an Italian or a private house writer or house for an artist is at the entrance to the village is located, and one of the nicest hotels rural rare presence where it was built and designed style Florentine featuring interior expanses of greenery and umbrellas and benches stone the rooms overlooking the lake, and the hotel is owned by a person named Olivier and offers special services to rural tourism enthusiasts
And contributed to the fascinating nature of the village's make it a hub for gathering artists, musicians, writers and painters of different nationalities, some of them interested in building their homes in the style of Hassan Fathy in the architecture of the poor, but there are other houses built by their owners-style Italian and Swiss where they were taken to the village, a large part of the parameters of European Countryside, and foreigners in the village do not OWN the houses and villas that inhabit them, but the land remains belonging to the residents of the village of formal terms.
    But the level of affluence massive nature of the villas and magnificent homes did not include the poor and ordinary villagers native who shrank and consent to gather in the tribal village, leaving the rest of the place for strangers and foreigners, celebrities and writers from the rest of the displaced population to where he lives in the village about 3 thousand people only, and most of them work in agriculture and fishing and support services in the field of tourism, and some of them learn the art of porcelain and opened a small workshop next to his home, and this includes the village of Tunis, about 300 villas.
    Any visitor village must go first to the six large, according to the expression of the people of the village and the six big here is Ms. Evelyn artist porcelain Swiss Her greatest credit as we have reached the village now .. where the Evelyn create a school for the training of village children in the arts of ceramics, pottery and fired at school Name Society "Ptah," which gained international fame with time as a result of the large number of exhibitions that have been organized in many countries of the world, especially Europe .

Palace Baron Empain - Cairo

Palace Baron Empain, a unique architectural masterpiece of its kind on the grounds, it only palace in the world who miss him the sun throughout the day, was that the construction of the base concrete on ball Billy spin on wheels so that surrounds the palace including the (hourly) to see standing on his balcony all revolves around him and follows the sun in the rotation throughout the daylight hours.
Millionaire built by Belgian Baron Edouard Empain (September 20, 1852 - Jul 22 1929), which came from India to Egypt at the end of the nineteenth century, shortly after the opening of the Suez Canal,
Palace is located in the heart of Cairo's Heliopolis district, specifically in the street Arabism on the main road leading to Cairo International Airport and oversees the palace-dropped on the street Ibn Battuta and Ibn Jubair and Hassan Sadiq.

Returns the idea of ​​building a palace to Baron Empain presented to the Egyptian government's idea of ​​creating a neighborhood in the desert east of Cairo and chose his name (Heliopolis) any city of the sun and bought Baron acre Pound and the only one, where the area was lacking in facilities, transportation, and services, and so can the Baron attract people to Dahith new thought in the creation of Metro is still working until now, and take the name of the city Metro Heliopolis as commissioned architect Belgian Andre Brchillo who was working at the time with the Paris Metro creates a metro line connecting the neighborhood or the new city, Cairo, has also begun to establish homes Belgian-style classic addition to large tracts include magnificent gardens, and built hotels is a huge ancient Heliopolis hotel, which included a recent presidential palaces in Egypt.
Decided Baron stay Palace, was a palace legendary, and is designed so as not to lose sight of the sun, where the intervention of all Hgrath and Rdhath, one of the most luxurious palaces in Egypt at all, and includes room Baron palace, panel embodies how the era of the grape to convert to alcohol, then drink it according to tradition, Romania the sequence of wine in the headers, which is caused by alcohol in the capital Harbhe.
Was inspired by the Temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia [2] and the Hindu temples of Orissa. Designed by French architect Alexandre Marcel Alexandre Marcel and ornament George Louis Claude Georges Louis Claude, construction was completed in 1911.

Al-Mu'izz ledin Illah Street - Cairo - Egypt

 Al-Mu'izz ledin Illah Street -. one
 Of the most historic streets in Egypt and Cairo. When built the essence of Sicilian Cairo comforting work in the northern fence Abt door for some victory and two door and door-Fotouh. And work in the southern wall adjacent door to door has been nominated Zewailah, and the work of Main Street from door to door Fotouh was Zewailah calls this street to street Muizz.
Street goats violin not know the name of the greatest street, and Cairo street, and street trachea. Jawhar built a palace on the eastern side of the Khalifa goats not know as the "Big East Palace" And that because his son Aziz built in front of God, "a small palace not know the name of the small western palace." After Saladin spent the Fatimid state in Egypt claimed he and his family and ordered his country lived in the Grand Palace and remained palace de headquarters to the rule of the Ayyubid even a building castle of the mountain above the cliffs and housing where King full nephew of Saladin and Xue Xue Grand Palace neglected Aih to what Atahed and Atbnt in the region and revive the streets and schools and homes. Street did not goats Cairo's main street, but only in terms of its extensions door was Zewailah delivers the marquee and hand door Fotouh's District Hosseinieh and apparent.
Street goats was Melian shops and markets to the extent that the number of stores of Libra door Futuh to Bab Zewailah was about 1,200 Mahal, and preferred the street held its place in the Mamluk period and was les traditions needed Ttraay was Mthelammnoa exceeded the beauty loaded or his fort or Sakka mesh covered his novel. And when the law requires the owners of the shops they Eanoroa lanterns along their shops at night and be at every shopkeeper Minister Melian Maillé dedicated to the fight against Harika if dill. And when the garbage workers and Ndhavh and Knasin and security guards.
Street goats Aktar street in Cairo, Egypt, Melian Antiques antique and medieval Mamluk particular. Bimitd the street from the door Fotouh up to the door and space Zewailah de Ptdm streets door-Fotouh and Amir armies and coppersmiths and between Kasserine and jewelery and Ashrafiye and Akkadin and Almnakhlah and Almnagdin and sugary.
Effects Elly mentioned Makrizy in the street are: Mosque Al-Hakim, agency Qaitbay, House Suhaimi, collector Suleiman Agha Selehdar, collector Aqmar, for Abdul Rahman Katakhda, the Prince's Palace Bashtak, Mosque of Sultan Qalawun, School apparent plum, soil Saleh Ayoub, school Salehia , Camellia School, School of al-Nasir Muhammad, Ashraf Barsbay mosque, a school and for the Sultan Ghouri, bath pro, pro collector, and others.
In the era of the Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni DONT huge effort for the restoration of the historic street raised his area was developed after what was worn out because of neglect and lack of attention to its shape and stayed befitting the status of Egypt's historical.
Street goats the most important areas of Islamic Cairo Elly within the World Heritage Sites of UNESCO from 1979.


Paphos (Πάφος or Paphos) town located on the island of Cyprus is situated between the coast and the Troodos Mountains.

  Paphos town is known as the birthplace of Greek goddess Aphrodite. Today, the city is divided into two parts. In the upper part (New Paphos) is located on a hill in the city's commercial center, while the fields below (Old Paphos), that Kato Paphos contains the archaeological objects, works, and not by the way most of the hotels, pubs and restaurants can be found here. The city's serious financial investment has ensured the development of the lower Kato Paphos area hotel, bars and restaurants in regards to the coastal areas are even more desirable for tourists. The port is a newly built walkway provides a pleasant walking and magnificent views, especially in the morning or in the evening. The city's inhabitants mainly live in the newer areas. Paphos is the second largest airport of the island has. Many of the bus and from elected if they want to go up the hill on the other side of town, or Coral Bay, Polis into other nearby villages or want to get to. Easier bike, quad or car (good if air-conditioned) to rent / use, which is easily accessible to the Troodos mountains and the Akamas peninsula.