الأحد، 17 أغسطس 2014

Village called Tunisia

Annexation of rural ancient Egyptian villages still enjoy the beauty of nature and if exploited could be a source of rural tourism and better models village "Tunisia" of the center of Joseph Fayoum where dispatched the European Union last month for a special committee to study the monuments aesthetic out in preparation for the implementation of the giant project under the title "Switzerland of the East in Egypt." What is the story of this village and why it turned out to be the largest gathering of artists, writers and painters of different nationalities and why they call it the land of revelation?! Detail in the following lines ..
Located Tunisia green as they are called population on a hill rocky high and then take in the regression quietly wondrous until you reach the beach of Lake Qarun not separated from the water-only areas of greenery and trees for this is one of the most beautiful rural areas in Egypt and once they enter the village surprised by the large number of banners written in English and all the banner refers to the villa belonging to a Swiss citizen or an Italian or a private house writer or house for an artist is at the entrance to the village is located, and one of the nicest hotels rural rare presence where it was built and designed style Florentine featuring interior expanses of greenery and umbrellas and benches stone the rooms overlooking the lake, and the hotel is owned by a person named Olivier and offers special services to rural tourism enthusiasts
And contributed to the fascinating nature of the village's make it a hub for gathering artists, musicians, writers and painters of different nationalities, some of them interested in building their homes in the style of Hassan Fathy in the architecture of the poor, but there are other houses built by their owners-style Italian and Swiss where they were taken to the village, a large part of the parameters of European Countryside, and foreigners in the village do not OWN the houses and villas that inhabit them, but the land remains belonging to the residents of the village of formal terms.
    But the level of affluence massive nature of the villas and magnificent homes did not include the poor and ordinary villagers native who shrank and consent to gather in the tribal village, leaving the rest of the place for strangers and foreigners, celebrities and writers from the rest of the displaced population to where he lives in the village about 3 thousand people only, and most of them work in agriculture and fishing and support services in the field of tourism, and some of them learn the art of porcelain and opened a small workshop next to his home, and this includes the village of Tunis, about 300 villas.
    Any visitor village must go first to the six large, according to the expression of the people of the village and the six big here is Ms. Evelyn artist porcelain Swiss Her greatest credit as we have reached the village now .. where the Evelyn create a school for the training of village children in the arts of ceramics, pottery and fired at school Name Society "Ptah," which gained international fame with time as a result of the large number of exhibitions that have been organized in many countries of the world, especially Europe .

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