الأحد، 17 أغسطس 2014

Villar dam

Dam construction on Villar.Primera Boveda in the World.
Located in the lower reaches of the Lozoya River, near the towns of Cervera de Buitrago and Robledillo de la Jara, in the region of the Sierra Norte de Madrid, the dam of El Villar, the few stands vetusta exist throughout the region and therefore of the whole system of reservoirs Canal Isabel II, network which supplies drinking water the city of Madrid and much of the Community.
His achievement led to one of the greatest achievements in the world in hydraulic engineering of his time and a model for subsequent infrastructure.

"Dam Villar, historical work, admirable pioneer and also puts us in a natural environment that is worth knowing and go. Its proximity to Cervera de Buitrago, with its picturesque harbor dotted with small sailboats; El Berrueco, point towards the Muslim watchtower Torrepedrera (tenth century); Comarca de la Jara, with multiple routes to Robledillo de la Jara and Berzosa de Lozoya, the latter locality spectacular panoramic views; and the magnificent Montejo Beech Forest, Site of Community Importance and Biosphere Reserve, are a sample of the many attractions offered by the rich environment of the first arch dam built in the world.


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