الأحد، 17 أغسطس 2014

ow can you enjoy your trip without feeling a headache?

Among planning a vacation fun among family or friends, you may feel a headache as a result of shopping or cooking and decking, and perhaps hiking and spend time out

According to the National Headache Foundation, there are 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches, and the Foundation provides these tips to avoid stress-related headaches leave painful:

1 Avoid shopping until the last minute:

Vaelloukov for a long time in the heat or the crowds for shopping during the holiday, can cause tension headaches.

2 to stay within your budget:

There may be a tempting desire to buy expensive gift to a loved one, but you have to resist the urge to buy gifts that are out of your price range.

What you can buy is compatible with your budget, where the debt may make you a headache now, with start paying the bills.

3 not skip meals:

With the multiplicity of activities carried out by during the holiday, you may skip Chraein in some diets, skip meals cause you headaches, so it is necessary to keep food Bmadtk.

Try to be there and snacks for the times that you are unable to eat regular meals out, while avoiding processed meats and chocolate, which can bring you a headache.

4 Avoid rooms filled Baladkhna and perfumes:

Since this is one of the causes of headaches, as well as joint actions in social gatherings alike, and the best thing you can do is to stay in well-ventilated areas with access to fresh air when possible.

5 Avoid alcohol:

Because it is one of the causes of headaches as well, and you can replace other Kalsoda drinks and water, and you'll avoid red wine, which contains tyramine, an amino acid known to cause headaches in.

6 Be ready before traveling during the holiday:

If you drive Stsavrin way it should be planned in advance, but if the air travel should pray to the airport before the date at least two hours, as well as Connie are liable and prepared to wait in long queues.

7 the date the commitment dedicated to sleep and stick with it:

Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, where that change your sleep routine can cause you a headache.

8 allocation of time to stay on your own:

Although the holiday is the time of assembly and sit with the family, Vallqaouat collective too much can cause stress and tension, and then you should set aside time for rest and Alastrjae and sit alone.

Many individuals suffer from headaches from time to time, but you may feel it very much a private holiday times, and if you feel that you are infected with a recurring headache or severe, you should go to the doctor

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