الأربعاء، 20 أغسطس 2014

Countries Not Requiring Entry Visa for Egyptians

Egyptians like to travel, however those only holding an Egyptian passport tend to pick domestic destinations, as they hate to go through the visa process that requires ridiculous documents, consumes a hell of time and above all requires planning ahead of time, it’s never like “let’s go to Europe or anywhere in the world next week”, it’s “let’s plan for our coming trip at least 3 months in advance, and pick a destination with minimal visa requirements”.
Who said that Egyptians can’t tour some amazing parts of the world hassle free? Good news, there is still a good number of 44 destinations visa free, or where visa is acquired upon arrival to Egyptian passport holders.
Most of us think that only Europe or the US are the place to be, but what the world has to offer is way beyond our imagination, this list of places will make you look at the world pretty differently and reconsider your travel plans.
Visa Free Countries

Dominica in the Caribbean (21 days)
Ecuador & Galapagos Islands in South America (90 days)

Guinea in Africa

Haiti in the Caribbean

Hong Kong in Asia (90 days)

Jordan in Asia (30 days)

Malaysia in Asia (90 Days)

Mauritius in Africa (90 Days)

Micronesia at the Pacific Ocean (30 days)

South-Korea in Asia (90 days)

Sudan in Africa

St. Vincent & the Grenadines in the Caribbean (30 days)

Yemen in Asia (90 days)

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